Set Aside/ Expungement
Oregon’s New Expungement Law, Two Years In
Oregon Senate Bill 397 has helped thousands of people obtain the benefits of expungement, but some technical problems still need fixed. Oregon’s Expungement Evolution: What you Need to Know In January 2022, Oregon’s expungement law, ORS 137.225, underwent significant changes with the enactment of Senate Bill 397. This legislation, passed with strong bipartisan support, aimed…
Read MoreDo Oregon Background Checks Show Out of State Convictions?
In Oregon, background checks are done by most employers to ensure that the person they’re hiring wasn’t convicted of a criminal offense before or doesn’t have a warrant out for their name. It’s a part of everyday life to fulfill your basic needs. So whether you’re applying for work or looking for housing, you must…
Read MoreThe Economic Benefits of Expungement
It won’t come as any surprise that expunging a criminal record benefits the person whose record is cleared. It’s also not much of a stretch to see how that step is beneficial to that person’s family. After all, eliminating the barriers created by a criminal record can mean: Better employment opportunities Higher wages Better access…
Read MoreExpungement and Rights Restoration Lawyers in Pendleton, Oregon
When you’re convicted of a crime, there are a number of consequences. In addition to whatever sentence you must serve, your personal criminal record is updated to include your conviction. Depending on the crime, it may stay on your record forever. It can cost you access to certain rights, such as the right to own…
Read MoreChanges to Oregon Expungement Law Eligibility
Oregon expungement law has seen some dramatic changes in the past few years. Senate Bill 397 took effect January 1, 2022. It reduces most set aside timelines and has a profound effect on overall eligibility. Previously having multiple convictions, even if they were from the same case, resulted in a requirement to wait for 10…
Read MoreExpungement Eligibility Timeframes
How Long Do I Have to Wait to Expunge or Set Aside a Conviction in Oregon? Senate Bill 397 took effect last January 1, 2022, in which the Senate created new provisions regarding the set-aside and expungement timeframe every eligible offender must consider. In other words, the eligibility wait times for felonies and misdemeanors have…
Read MoreExpungement Court Hearings
Must I Appear Before a Judge to Set Aside a Conviction? If you or your expungement attorney properly investigated your case, there should be no need to appear for a hearing before a judge. A set aside in Oregon is fairly black and white. You are eligible for expungement or you are not. It is…
Read MoreExpunging or Setting Aside Convictions in Oregon: Everything You Need to Know
How Soon Should I Petition to Expunge or Set Aside? They say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and this is never truer than when taking steps to have your rights restored. Pursuing a felony expungement or setting aside a conviction should be undertaken as soon as possible because laws…
Read MoreHow to Get Your Felony Expunged For Free in Oregon
Table of Contents Toggle What is Expungement?Rules of EligibilityWhich Felonies Can Be Expunged?How Long Does Expungement Take?The Expungement ProcessRemoving your Information from Internet Background Checks Free Expungement in OregonAdditional Considerations for Free Expungement OpportunitiesForms You Need for Free ExpungementExpungement Without a LawyerTalk to Lohrke Law About Expunging Your Felony If one or more felony convictions that…
Read MoreBuying a Gun with a Criminal Record in Oregon
The right to bear arms is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. This right is reiterated in the Oregon Constitution as well. In the aftermath of certain criminal offenses, however, these rights may be suspended or revoked. Adults in Oregon who wish to buy firearms are forbidden from doing so if they have been convicted of…
Read MoreHow do I Answer Background Check Questions after a Set Aside or Expungement?
When an Oregon conviction is set aside, it gives the person the ability to act and answer as if the conviction never occurred. The purpose of the set aside statute is to enhance employment and other opportunities, so it would not make sense if a person had to admit to a set aside conviction. To…
Read MoreCan I Set Aside or Expunge a Conviction if My Probation was Revoked?
Revocation of probation does not prevent expungement or set aside, but it is a factor the judge can consider. When a criminal defendant is sentenced to probation, he is ordered to comply with certain requirements of probation. If he does not comply with those terms, the probation can be revoked and incarceration imposed. Despite the…
Read MoreIs a Juvenile Delinquency Record Automatically Expunged?
A number of states in the country automatically seal or expunge certain types of juvenile offense records at the conclusion of court proceedings or once the juvenile offender has reached a certain age. Unfortunately, Oregon is not one of these states. The overwhelming majority of juvenile convictions are eligible to be expunged once the offender…
Read MoreWhy do I need to Provide a Fingerprint Card with my Motion to Set Aside?
Every motion to set aside in Oregon must be accompanied by an FBI-standard fingerprint card. This applies to set asides for arrests as well, not just convictions. This part of the process can seem invasive, especially given that for many crimes people were never even fingerprinted in the first place. However, the purpose of the…
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